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Jun 7, 20246 min read
Oceans by Drops - Belen Matias, de Córdoba al Mundo.
Check the interview to Belen Matias, founder of Ocean by Drops a company that blend strategic and operational actions for sustainability

Apr 2, 20246 min read
Con mate y teatro, de Misiones a Nueva Zelanda: An Gerstenmaier
Entrevistamos a An Gerstenmaier, fundadora de Tupu Producciones. Actriz, directora y productora de origen Argentino viviendo en Nueva...

Sep 6, 20234 min read
Betsabé Quintero: Explorando el Arte de la Improvisación y el Teatro en Español
Descubre la inspiradora travesÃa de Betsabé Quintero desde los Andes hasta Auckland, explorando el teatro en español y la improvisación.

Jun 3, 20234 min read
Latinas Encienden el Mundial Femenino FIFA 2023: Abrazando la Pasión y La Garra Futbolera
Equipos Latinoamericanos en la FIFA Women's World Cup 2023: Desafiando las expectativas y dejando su huella en el escenario mundial.

Jun 3, 20234 min read
Latinos Ignite the FIFA Women's World Cup 2023: Embracing Football Passion and Grit
Get ready for the ninth edition of the Women's Football World Cup, which will be held in Australia and New Zealand in 2023. This exciting...

Oct 28, 20225 min read
The Adventures of Olive – Olive doesn’t give up!
The adventures of Olive. Bilingual children's book written by Hannah Hopcroft. Teach your kids spanish, english and learn about southamerica

Apr 29, 20224 min read
Latin american handcrafts with a soul: Artesanos NZ
We have the privilege of introducing you to Catalina Suarez. Catalina's business is called Artesanos NZ and they are in charge of...
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Dec 7, 20216 min read
Tierra Viva: from Colombia with rhythm and colour
We present Diana Prieto from Tierra Viva, a folk dance group from Colombia and Latin America. We had the privilege of having Tierra Viva...
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